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Monday, September 26, 2011

Broccoli Stalks Salad with Wasabi Sauce

Broccoli stalks are tender and flavourful. Shredded and dressed with a piquant wasabi sauce, they create a tasty base for an interesting Broccoli Stalks salad. It makes a nice light lunch, or accompanies sushi with panache. Sweet red pepper, freshly-grated ginger root, plump raw pumpkin seeds, arugula sprouts and black sesame seeds add crunch while boosting the nutritional profile of this easy-to-prepare recipe.

You'll need:
4-5 broccoli stalks; 1 sweet red pepper; 1 tablespoon grated ginger root; 1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds, soaked for 2 hours; 1/2 cup arugula sprouts; 2 tablespoons black sesame seeds.
For wasabi sauce
1 teaspoon wasabi powder; 1 tablespoon tamari; 1 tablespoon water.

Method: Soak pumpkin seeds in fresh water for 2 hours, drain and set aside.
Put wasabi powder in a large serving bowl, add tamari and water. Whisk until blended. Set aside for 5 minutes to rehydrate wasabi and develop flavour. Then add drained pumpkin seeds to wasabi sauce, and mix to coat well.

Peel broccoli stalks, and  finely shred with food processor or hand grater. Add to pumpkin seed-wasabi sauce coating well with liquid.
Chop red pepper into small pieces, and grate ginger root. Add to salad, and mix ingredients together using a large spoon, or hands to massage sauce lightly into vegetables. Toss in arugula sprouts and black sesame seeds. 
 Serve as a side-dish with sushi, or Japanese noodles. Or, simply serve this tangy wasabi- broccoli dish with rice crackers for an energizing lunch. Enjoy!

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